New Years Resolutions…where’s the motivation?

Photo by Med Badr Chemmaoui on Unsplash

Lost your motivation to achieve your New Years goals?  

Every year about this time, just after the hussel and bussel of the holidays, we switch our focus to starting a new year.  There’s just something fresh and clean about a new planner or switching out the old monthly calendar! So many of us decide this is the perfect time to implement new habits, start new projects, and layout new goals.  Or, we go all out and decide on a new year’s resolution. BUT, here we are almost 3 weeks into 2020 and I bet most of us have either petered out on the progress of those new goals, or completely forgotten about that new years resolution.  So, we sit and wait for momentum and strike to create the much needed motivation to get moving on our plans.  

Motivation never shows up, does it?  So we start thinking maybe it’s just not worth it, maybe I don’t want it enough or maybe even I’m just not worth the effort. Or perhaps we decide, maybe next year or next month, or next whenever the mood strikes kind of day. All of this inevitably means that we never actually do the plan, accomplish the goals, or make progress.  All of this serves to confirm our feelings that it wasn’t worth it, or I’m not good enough for it, or whatever other excuse we have.  

Here’s the secret:  motivation doesn’t come from a special breeze through the door.  It’s not something that magically rides in on a white horse to adorn our lives and get us moving.  It’s not binge watching youtube taking note of all the people that have been successful with our idea before we’ve even gotten started.  

Motivation is all about the little, itty-bitty tiny actions we take that start moving us towards our goal.  Often it’s the most insignificant of actions that sparks more ideas, more creativity that creates just a bit of inertia. It’s this new evidence (however small) that propels us further into more action and more action until we can finally feel like we’re making progress.  Did you notice what happened there? We had to have action before we had a feeling of progress. Then, once we recognize that feeling of motivation, we act faster and with more intensity than in the beginning.  We start to think that we really can accomplish this thing and holy cow it’s fun too!


This is true motivation. So, quit ignoring your plans and dreams and wishes and goals and just get started! Do something so small that you’re rolling your eyes about it right now.  Then do it again tomorrow (or some other small task that seems stupid small) and begin to watch how it all adds up. After all, a beach is made up of billions and billions of itty-bitty teey tiny grans of sand.